How well do you know your competitors? 

Running a business in the current economic landscape is a huge challenge, as the more saturated the market is, the greater the need to rise above your competition. This means that you need to know your competitors. 

Competitive intelligence is defined as an activity aimed at analyzing external information collected from openly publicized sources, information science, gathering information from the Internet, human intelligence and other resources. 

If you wish to outdo your competitor, you must be familiar with his business strategy, technology, key personnel, funding sources, products, market share and business potential. Knowledge is power.

"The Israeli Investigation Company"`s intelligence department provides this information, so you can significantly leverage your company's performance by modifying your strategy to the current situation.  

We offer high quality competitive intelligence that creates short term effect by impacting decision-making and priorities, as well as mid and long term effect by enabling new markets penetration, choosing new technologies and more. 

Products of competitive intelligence: 

  • Mapping and understanding competitive landscape 
  • Getting familiar with your competitions’ sales, advertising and marketing strategies 
  • Getting familiar with competition technological tools 
  • Getting familiar with competition key suppliers and customers 
  • Exposure to new business opportunities

Additional Services (technical equipment): 

  • Wiretap tests
  • Local and international technical surveillance
  • Installing alarms 
  • Installing cameras and closed circuit TV (CCTV)
  • State-of-the-art photographic and audio equipment